May 12, 2012


Recipe: Tiramisu提拉米苏
Yield: about 510g cream (sufficient to make 2 layers for a 8" x 3.75" rectangle cake or a 6" round cake
or sufficient to make 1 layer for a 9" round cake about 0.75" thick.)

Ingredients A
  • One 8-inch x 3.75-inch rectangle or 6-inch round coffe-cocoa chiffon cake base
  • ½ cup strong coffee / expresso with sugar to taste
  • 2 to 4 large egg yolks
  • 2 TBSP castor sugar
  • 226g mascarpone cheese
  • 2 TBSP cream cheese (softened) * optional
  • 1 TBSP to 1½ TBSP Kahlua, Brandy or Marsala wine * optional
  • 250ml heavy whipping cream
  • 4 TBSP powdered sugar
  • some cocoa powder
Ingredients B (optional *see Notes*)
  • 1 TBSP Knox unflavored gelatin powder
  • 2 to 3 TBSP water (room temp)
Measurements: tsp. = teaspoon | TBSP = tablespoon
  • 1. Ignore steps 1 & 2 if you are using a removable bottom cake pan. Line a 8" x 3.75" rectangle baking pan with aluminium foil to cover along the short side of a rectangle pan.
  • 2. Line another piece of aluminium foil to cover along the long side of a rectangle pan.
  • 3. Cut 2 layers of cake (about 0.5-inch thick each) from the cake base.
  • 4. Place a round cake rack into a right size of stock pot. Fill pot with water about 1-inch above the rack. Bring water to a boil. Reduce heat to medium. Get a glass bowl that can fit into the pot. Put the yolks and castor sugar in the bowl. Put the bowl on the rack and whisk until yolks turn pale yellow and creamy. Turn off the heat. Remove bowl from the pot.
  • 5. Put mascarpone cheese and cream cheese in a large mixing bowl. Simply whisk to soften cheese.
  • 6. Mix some cheese mixture into the creamy yolk mixture in step 4.
  • 7. Pour all the yolk mixture to mix with the cheese mixture in mixing bowl.
  • 8. Keep whisking and mixing just until mixture turn smooth and no lumps remain. Do not overmix.
  • 9. Stir in 1½ TBSP to 2½ TBSP strong coffee and 1 TBSP to 1½ TBSP preferred wine.
  • 10. Stir until mixture is well combined. Set aside yolk mixture.
  • 11. Keep whipping cream in the refrigerator until ready to use. Prepare whipping cream and powdered sugar in a deep mixing bowl.
  • 12. Whisk whipping cream on highest speed until traces of beater marks begin to show.
  • 13. Gently fold whipped cream into yolk mixture until well combined.
  • 14. A thick and creamy but slightly runny tiramisu cream is ready.
  • 15. Trim off about 0.25-inch from each side of the cakes. By using a brush, dap the top of each layer of cakes with as much of strong coffee as possible, becareful not to drench the cakes.
  • 16. Align a layer of cake in the center of the lined cake pan. Then, pour half of the tiramisu cream over the cake. Swirl the cake pan to smoothen the cream if neccesary.
  • 17. Sift a layer of cocoa powder over the cream. Decide whether you want a thin or thick layer of cocoa powder.
  • 18. Continue with another layer of cake and tiramisu cream.
  • 19. Do not sift cocoa powder for the top most layer. Do it just before serving.
  • 20. Cover cake pan with aluminium foil. Refrigerate cake for at least 6 hours before serving.
  • 21. DIY a cake stencil by using aluminium foil or buy one if you like. Remove cake from pan. Place cake on a flat platter.
  • 22. Lightly press stencil on cake. Then sift cocoa powder as much as you like. Refrigerate cake, uncovered, for about 20 to 30 minutes. Remove stencil from cake. Cut cake into serving size. Decorate each piece of cake with chocolate decorations and serve.
  • Notes
  • Lining a non removable bottom cake pan with aluminium foil ensures easy cake removal from pan when done.
  • I did not use gelatin, that's why my cream tend to be a little runny.
  • Using gelatin: Sprinkle 1 TBSP gelatin powder over 2 to 3 TBSP water. Leave it for 5 min. Stir the mixture. Stir gelatin using double boiling method until no powder is visible. Leave gelatin to slightly cool till lukewarm before use. Fold lukewarm gelatin into the mixture in step 14.
  • Chocolate Decorations

    Recipe: Chocolate Decorations巧克力装饰
    • semi sweet dark chocolate / chocolate chips
    • white chocolate chips
    Measurements: tsp. = teaspoon | TBSP = tablespoon
  • 1. Melt dark chocolate using double boiler method. Do not cover. Heat chocolate over hot but not boiling hot water and allow it to melt.
  • 2. Keep stirring chocolate with a metal spoon just until it melts.
  • 3. Remove from heat once chocolate is melted. Stir until chocolate is warm. Fill a piping bag with melted chocolate, up to 80% full.
  • 4. Seal piping bag by folding it 2 - 3 times downward. Squeeze melted chocolate in piping bag towards the tip. Test piping a few drops of melted chocolate back into the bowl. If you need a bigger tip, cut tip point with a pair of scissors.
  • 5. Pipe melted chocolate on parchment papers. Draw any shapes and patterns as you desired. Then, freeze them for 10 minutes until chocolates are set or harden.
  • 6. Remove harden dark chocolates from the freezer.
  • 7. Melt white chocolate chips in double boiler like how we did using the dark chocolate.
  • 8. Pipe melted white chocolate on the harden dark chocolates, draw or write as you desired. Freeze for 10 minutes until set or harden. Peel chocolates off from parchment papers. Let them sit at room temperature for about 20 minutes before keeping them in an airtight container at room temperature.
  • Notes
  • Amount of chocolates used depends on your need.
  • DIY Piping Bags

    Recipe: DIY Piping Bags折叠裱花袋
    • parchment paper
    • blade / scissors
    Measurements: tsp. = teaspoon | TBSP = tablespoon
  • 1. Fold a piece of parchment paper in half diagonally to form a triangle (square when unfolded). Trim off the excess.
  • 2. Unfold the triangle and cut along the crease. You will get two equal triangles.
  • 3. Place one of the triangles on your workstation, longest side face down.
  • 4. Bring left corner to center upper coner and make a crease.
  • 5. Lift up paper at center upper corner with your right hand. Then, bring right corner to the back side of center upper corner with your left hand, in clockwise direction.
  • 6. You will get like a cone shape.
  • 7. Align all the joining points.
  • 8. With the back side of piping bag facing you. From center upper corner, make 2 to 3 folds downward towards the inside or outside as long as the piping bag is secure. Done. Repeat steps 2 to 8 to make a piping bag using another paper triangle.
  • Notes
  • You can make any size of piping bag that you want. But it is good to make from at least a 12-inch square, otherwise that would be too small.