April 13, 2012

Angry Birds Bento

Recipe: Angry Birds Bento愤怒鸟弁当
Red Rice
  • ¼ cup hot cooked white rice
  • marinara sauce / pasta sauce / ketchup (1 TBSP or to taste)
Green Rice
  • ¼ cup hot cooked white rice
  • pesto sauce (½ cup spinach leaves, 3 - 4 sprigs of fresh basil leaves, 1 garlic clove, ½ TBSP pine nuts, 1 TBSP olive oil, dash of ground black pepper, pinch of salt) or mashed boiled peas
Yellow Rice
  • ¼ cup hot cooked white rice
  • 1/8 tsp. to ¼ tsp. turmeric powder
White Rice
  • ¼ cup hot cooked white rice
  • Eyes white parts: kamaboko slices / white part of an hard boiled egg / white cheese
  • Eyes black parts & black eyebrows: nori sheets
  • Red eyebrows: red capsicum
  • Beaks: carrot
  • Ears of green pig: edamame
  • Nose of green pig: cucumber slice with skin on
  • Black crown: nori sheet
  • Red crown: red capsicum
In the lunch box
Measurements: tsp. = teaspoon | TBSP = tablespoon
  • 1. Red rice: Mix ¼ cup hot rice with about 1 TBSP marinara sauce / pasta sauce / ketchup.
  • 2. Green rice: Blend all pesto sauce ingredients into a paste. Then mix with ¼ cup hot rice.
  • 3. Yellow rice: Mix ¼ cup hot rice with turmeric powder.
  • 4. Put green rice on a piece of cling wrap. Gather all sides of the cling wrap to wrap it up. Then twist to secure and tighten rice into a ball.
  • 5. Place 2½ to 3 TBSP of yellow rice on a piece of cling wrap. Wrap it up and twist to secure and tighten rice into a ball.
  • 6. Lightly press to shape yellow rice into a semi sphere. Repeat steps 5 to 6 to make a shorter white semi sphere rice ball with 1½ to 2 TBSP of hot white rice.
  • 7. Combine yellow semi sphere rice ball and white semi sphere rice ball in step 6 to merge into an round rice ball on a piece of cling wrap.
  • 8. Wrap rice ball in step 7 in cling wrap, twist and tighten the rice ball.
  • 9. Shape rice ball in step 8 into a rounded corner triangle shape.
  • 10. Place 2½ to 3 TBSP red rice and 1½ TBSP white rice on a piece of cling wrap.
  • 11. Wrap up rice in step 10 in cling wrap, then twist and tighten into a ball like the yellow rice ball in step 8.
  • 12. Press to shape red white rice ball accordingly if needed.
  • 13. All three rice balls are ready. Remain rice balls wrapped in cling wrap until ready to use.
  • 14. Thinly slice kamaboko or hard boiled egg white.
  • 15. Cut out 2 rounds from sliced kamboko or egg white for the white of eyes of green pig with a straw. Then cut 4 more bigger rounds with scissors.
  • 16. Cut out the black parts of eyes from nori sheet using a puncher or scissors.
  • 17. Cut out a slice of red capsicum and thin it with knife. Cut out the red eyebrows for yellow angry bird.
  • 18. Cut a thin slice of cucumber with skin on. Then cut out the nose of green pig.
  • 19. Prepare and cut out any other features of the angry birds. Eyes of the angry birds were changed to bigger sizes in step 27.
  • 20. Cut out a heart shape with red capsicum to use as the crown of red angry bird.
  • 21. Fold a piece of nori sheet and cut out 2 pieces of same shape black crown for the yellow angry bird.
  • 22. Stick together the black crowns with rice, place a toothpick or spaghetti strip in between.
  • 23. Cut beaks with carrot.
  • 24. Put on the eyebrows and eyes on red angry bird while rice is still warm.
  • 25. Put on the eyebrows and eyes on yellow angry bird while rice is still warm.
  • 26. Put on the eyebrows, eyes, and nose on green pig. Put edamame on toothpicks or spaghetti strips and put them on.
  • 27. Put on the beaks and crown on angry birds accordingly.
  • 28. Line lunch box with lettuce. Then, put the angry birds on cupcake cups and arrange them in the lunch box.
  • 29. Finally, arrange steamed yellow corn, red fermented bean curd fried chicken, and cherry tomatoes in the box.
  • Notes
  • Put on the eyebrows, eyes, nose, etc on angry birds when the rice is still hot or warm. Stick with honey if they keep falling down.
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